
The 围手术期护理 class (NURS 219) is a 课程 that helps prepare students 应聘围手术期护士. 本课程提供入门级知识 and skills 要求 for functioning in the role of perioperative nurse. 课程包括 an introduction to perioperative nursing through all phases of surgery, surgical asepsis, surgical patient safety, the foundations of surgery, and surgical anesthesia. 后 completing this 课程, the student will be better prepared to pursue employment as 初级围手术期护士.

  • 课程长度:
    总课时= 36
    实验总学时= 108
  • 课程完成:
    • 职业技能证书


A perioperative nurse (can also be referred to as an Operating Room or Surgical Nurse) 在手术室工作的是注册护士吗. 围手术期护士 术前、术中、术后的护理. 围手术期护士工作 和外科医生,麻醉师,其他护士和技术人员一起.  典型职责和 主要的职责是:

  • 确保病人做好手术准备
  • 在围手术期环境中保持消毒
  • 有效的沟通
  • Coordinating 护理 to optimize patient outcomes during preoperative and postoperative 护理
  • 在手术中给外科医生传递器械和用品的
  • 确保围手术期患者的安全
  • 协助处理手术环境中使用的设备和用品


  • 自力更生
  • 协作
  • 有效的沟通者
  • 病人的倡导者
  • 精力充沛,体力充沛
  • 同情和同理心
  • 拥抱科技
  • 优秀的评估能力
  • 注重细节
  • 适应压力环境


The online application for the 围手术期护理 课程 will be available during 应用周期. 事先通读所有的信息是很重要的 应用.


  • March 1 - April 30: applicants who apply during this application cycle will begin 在暑期课间修习课程(如选定).



  • 星期五早上8点.m. - 12:20 p.m. 6月28日- 8月16日


  • 13.每周5小时,由导师安排




Prospective students must have evidence of completing the nursing 课程s for the Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing and Advanced Medical -Surgical Lab offered in the 太阳城集团官方网址导航 Registered Nursing Program or successful completion of an Associate Degree or higher nursing program or hold a valid California nursing license.


步骤# 1:

  • 申请并被太阳城集团官方网址导航录取. 进入大学后,你 will be assigned a PCC Student ID number and a PCC student 电子邮件 account. 你会 需要这些来完成围手术期护理应用.
  • Submit a 围手术期护理 application online via the PCC website. 一个完整的 application includes all information on the application is filled out and transcripts are official documents that have been scanned and saved as a PDF file.
  • An official college transcript from an accredited United States college showing successful completion of Advanced Medical-Surgical theory 课程 and Advanced Medical-Surgical 必修实验室/临床课程. 官方成绩单必须打开,扫描 and saved as a PDF file and uploaded with your 围手术期护理 application. 将成绩单标注为“护理学校成绩单”. 把打开的抄本留作 你的个人记录.
  • If licensed, you need to submit a copy of your California Registered Nursing License 另存为标签为“RN许可证”的PDF文件. 必须显示有效日期和状态必须 “活跃”. 过期的RN许可证将不被接受.

Follow these basic directions for scanning documents to your online application:

  • Open the sealed official nursing school transcript(s) that you will be uploading to 你的围手术期护士申请
  • Scan the official transcripts using a device such as a printer or scanner
  • Follow the scanner manufacturer's directions to scan each document to your computer 或u盘
  • 扫描前选择PDF文件格式选项. 只有PDF格式的成绩单 和其他证明文件将被接受. JPEG、GIF、BMP、TIF、 截图、word文档等. 会否被纳入申请程序.
  • Save your PDF document to a folder in a location on your computer or removable drive that you can easily access (Desktop or Documents folder is suggested)

请注意: Students who do 不 have access to a personal scanner may choose to use a commercial copying center to have their 要求 documents scanned and made into PDFs that then 可以作为申请的一部分上传吗.

Follow these basic directions for uploading documents to your online application:

  • When prompted on the application to upload your documents marked "Drop Files here 或“选择文件”,单击此按钮
  • Find the PDF files you want to upload from your computer or flash drive
  • 双击文件(点击两次)选择文件
  • 您的文件将被上传


Applicants will be selected on a first-come first-served basis for a conditional seat in the 课程 will be contacted via 电子邮件 to return (as a completed packet) the documents 下面列出的. 这些项目必须扫描并保存为PDF文件. 格式如下 JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIF,截图,word文档等. 不被接受.  一个电子邮件 我们将提供地址,以便寄送完成的文件包.

  • 美国心脏协会CPR/基本生命支持卡验证. 必须出示 截止日期. 将PDF文件标记为“CPR”. 其他类型的心肺复苏术会 被接受(例如:红十字会).
  • 完成背景调查的证明.
  • Copy of the completed 健康科学 Perioperative 健康 Requirements form. 使 当然你已经在表格上签名并注明日期了. 将PDF文件标记为“健康要求”.

保留所有文件的副本作为个人记录. 健康科学 "组织"不能为你复印.


The Perioperative Nurse 课程 requires the following health requirements:

  • 风疹,风疹,腮腺炎,水痘滴度.  对于麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘, quantitative protective titers are 要求 within 12 months of the first day of each 除非另有说明,培训年限.  如果滴度没有保护作用,就注射加强剂 需要接种疫苗和随访滴度.  这个要求可能超过了CDC的要求 医疗保健人员(HCP)工作人员指南.
  • 药物滥用小组尿液筛查.
  • Immunization dates for MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), Td (tetanus/diphtheria), Varicella (chickenpox), Hepatitis B, Tdap (tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis), Influenza, Covid 19.
  • 需要进行结核病筛查.  护理诊所只接受 IGRA testing, completed within 12 months of the first day of each training year unless 另有规定外.
  • Physical examination completed within the last 6 months of entrance to the 课程.  Must be able to perform the basic physical requirements of the entry level position including: stooping, lifting 23-35 pounds, pulling, standing, walking, practicing proper body mechanics, pushing occupied beds, wheelchairs or gurneys, bathing, turning 移动病人,操作小型设备.
  • 有良好的身心健康.

A 健康 Requirements form will be given to qualified applicants who are chosen for 有条件的席位.

The health requirements may take 3-5 weeks to complete with several office visits 要求.  The PCC 学生健康服务 Office offers low cost medical services 已登记学生. 


Applicants who complete Step 1 will be offered 有条件的席位, until 课程已满. 被选中的申请人将被发送一封电子邮件,其中包含必要的 必须在截止日期前完成的表格和文件.  完成以下工作的候选人 the 要求 documents by the deadline will be given permission to register for the 课程. Failure to complete the 要求 documentation means you will 不 be able 报名参加课程.

All applicants will be 不ified of their status prior to the start of the class by 电子邮件.  Additionally, non-selected applicants will be 不ified when the class is full.


Upon successful completion of the Perioperative Nurse 课程, students will be awarded 职业技能证书. 学生们将准备好申请职位 作为一名初级围手术期护士.



健康 Screening from PCC 学生健康服务 (costs will be higher in other settings):

服务管理费- $23.00
实验室费用- 4美元.每次00美元
Tdap - 50美元.00
药物滥用16尿检- $42.00加9美元.00确认性测试(如果有测试 是积极的)

制服(每套)建议2套- $120.00

名牌- $8.00元/枚
PCC制服贴- $5.00 /片

听诊器 & 笔灯——100美元.00
教科书- $200.00

停车(每学期包括校园和诊所)- 100美元
CPR卡-仅限美国心脏协会- $65.00